Ha, another visit from the JWs.... thankfully they are few and far between (seem to roll around whenever the CO visits or is about to visit...)
An elder and his wife, presenting the magazines and inviting us to the talks, which are "so encouraging". He had the saddest, most hang-dog expression, as he bemoaned these last days, so critical to deal with, and how the world was getting so terrible, things are so bad, blah blah blah, and every time I looked at her, she smiled encouragingly at me with that bright-eyed, put-on "sincere" smile.
I thanked them for coming, and said, "I appreciate you thinking about us" (after they said how the "missed us" at the meetings, ugh) -- "but we know where the Kingdom Hall is if we decide to go back. To be honest, I have to say we're very happy these days. Life is great and I've never felt happier."
(looks of shock, disbelief, and amazement)
I continued: "The Bible says that Jehovah is faithful, and he will not forget the love I've shown for his name. So I have to believe that, and if he wants to kill me at Armageddon for not going to meetings, then so be it."
*still laughing at the shocked expressions on their face*